I am a hardcore Inspirit. That is why this review is a bit late; I wanted the fan girl effects to wear off before writing this. I’ll keep the intro short so that I can talk more about the song.
Firstly, I don’t know if you have noticed or not, The Chaser seems to be the sequel to Paradise, which could be a sequel to Be Mine. These 3 songs can actually make a story. In Be Mine, Infinite requested the girl they love to accept their hearts, bestowing promises of protection and love. We can assume that the girl finally accepted them (one of them actually; or there were 7 girls). However, after some time, she started having thoughts about leaving the relationship. So Infinite come up with Paradise, where they request her to stay, saying they will do better and apologizing for forcing her into the relationship (‘Locked you up against your will’). They say that it won’t be a Paradise without her and desperately wants her not to leave. Finally, in The Chaser, they tell her that she can leave, but they won’t give up on her. Their promises haven’t change—they still plan to protect and love her even though she crushed their hearts.
They kind of did it before as well, with their first single being Come Back Again and follow-up single being She’s Back. Whether done intentionally or not, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
THE MUSIC VIDEO: This music video does not have a clear-cut plot like Nothing’s Over or Be Mine. This music video is more in the style of BTD and Paradise, which hints at a plot but leaves it up to the viewers to interpret the story in their own way. Although watching music videos which have plots that explain the song is fun, I like music videos where the viewers get to be more than a passive observer. This music video leaves a lot of scope for thinking and each one of you can actually come up with your own story regarding the music video.
For the ease of explanation, I will talk about one man and one girl since it is confusing to think about all 7 members of Infinite chasing one girl. This music video uses a lot of metaphors. The motorcycle chase scene definitely represents the name of the song. Personal shots of Sungyeol and Hoya also hint at the chasing theme. A lot of people are confused about L and the rolling car. I believe that L here actually depicts the man’s heart. The continuous rolling of the car actually portrays that his heart is being rendered into pieces, being tossed and turned by the pain he is feeling due to fact that the girl he loves is leaving him. In one scene, Sunggyu walks away from L’s car, while it lies pathetically in the background. He does not acknowledge the car which goes to show that the man, although his heart is being ripped apart, won’t try to stop her from leaving and will still continue to chase her. He actually says the lines, ‘It doesn’t matter if my heart is torn apart’ during this scene. He would still hold on to the key to his love for her. The box at the end may depict her heart, the one Sungjong gently caresses. Many of you are wondering how Sungjong got the key from Sunggyu. I think that in this music video, all Infinite members represent one person—oneness.
THE DANCE: I don’t want to even talk about it—Infinite has redefined perfection. It is one of their most difficult dances till date. There are several times when some members stop while others dance and then they bring the stationary members to motion. During Hoya’s rap, the members move as if they are a part of him. Although there were no dance breaks this time, unless you consider the small part in the beginning, this dance awesome to the power infinity. I have a lot of favorite parts but if I’m to mention one, it would be the part where Sungjong and Hoya sing their lines and the other members stand still and move only when Hoya and Sungjong do.
THE SONG: The dragging parts of the song are just too amazing! For me, with every dragging part, I feel my heart expands. Sunggyu’s vocals are explosive. They have a tone which gets stuck in your head. A lot of people are complaining that Sunggyu has a lot of parts but in reality, most of the parts are choruses. Since Sunggyu seems to be leading the chorus, people are mistaking them for his solo parts. The distribution is fairly well with Sungyeol singing more than one line. Hoya showed prowess in both rapping and singing, while Woohyun and Sunggyu’s voices produced a great contrast towards the last chorus.
THE DOWNS: L’s car scenes, although put there for a reason, seem to be too numerous and towards the end of the music video, quite disturbing. I wonder why Woohyun got very less screen time. I am also not very fond of the room they were dancing in. The design on the walls was quite disturbing. I am pretty sure there were LEDs on Dongwoo and Sungyeol’s helmets so that their faces can be seen. However, Dongwoo breaking the lights, although cool, is a bit unnecessary. (Honestly, I’m a pacifist and do not believe in violence).
THE LOOKS: This is completely based on my opinions so you can disagree as much as you want. Also you are free to express your opinions.
People who look consistently great throughout the music video are Sunggyu, L, Sungyeol and Sungjong. Although, Sungyeol could do without his scar. Woohyun’s new shortly-cropped hair is not doing for me while Dongwoo, although looks great in the dance scenes, doesn’t look very good during his personal shot. Hoya’s hairstyle is perfect in the blue clothes but otherwise, I’m not very fond of his bowl-shaped hair cut.
THE WARDROBE: I prefer the blue set of clothes to the black and white one. If you see very carefully, Sunggyu wears the same top under his coat in both the sets. Sungyeol’s white top can be seen in the first teaser for the new album. L’s white coat with black flower in his button hole is the one from the first teaser as well. But it’s Infinite, and most of them can pull of the poorest set of clothes and make it look gorgeous. All in wall, the wardrobe choice wasn’t bad but could have been better. What do you think?
All in all, Infinite has returned with a comeback song that you wouldn’t want to miss!
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